Bizy Kids (Building entrepreneur skills in kids)

Grades: Pre 3 to Gr 5

No. of sessions: 10

Day: Fridays

Time: 3:30 to 4:30 pm

Start Date: 14th March 2025

Fees: $180 /child 


Availability: 20 in stock

Program Overview:

Bizy Kids is an engaging program designed to introduce children to the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. Aimed at students in grades 3 to 5, this course fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills through hands-on activities. Participants will explore the basics of starting a business, including idea generation, marketing, budgeting, and presentation skills. By working on collaborative projects, kids will not only develop essential entrepreneurial skills but also learn the value of teamwork and innovation. This program empowers young minds to think like entrepreneurs and prepares them for future success in a dynamic world.

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